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Professional Sports Turn to Esports

After the presentation this week on video game spectatorship, I read a Forbes article about how professional sports teams are beginning to get involved with esports (

I have some mixed feelings about this article. On the one hand, I can never see video games and sports in the same light. They are not the same thing, and it feels strange to have sports teams starting to focus their attention on video game. Video game players are not "professional athletes" as this article claims.

Nonetheless, the fact of the matter is that esports is becoming a huge industry. This article says that the industry has already become a nearly one billion dollar market. Therefore, from a business standpoint, it makes sense for sports teams to get involved. After all, they all want to make as much money as possible. Furthermore, it is pretty common for a sports team to get involved in other business opportunities. For example, everyone knows Real Madrid as a legendary Spanish soccer team. Nonetheless, less people know that the same group who owns Real Madrid also owns the Spanish basketball team Real Madrid Baloncesto, who compete in the Liga ACB. What we have here is a successful soccer franchise recognizing another revenue opportunity outside of the sport and taking advantage of it. So why shouldn't sports teams take advantage of esports if esports has the potential to generate a lot of revenue?

I guess the point I am trying to make is that even though sports and esports aren't the same thing, there is no reason why the former shouldn't get involved with the later. It'll be interesting to see how this partnerships continues to develop over the next few years. I am curious to know if anyone has any predictions on this.

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