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Difficult to fight gaming addiction

After Thursday's presentation on gaming addiction, I read an article about how the Chinese company Tencent is instituting measures to fight gaming addiction (

For those younger than 18, Tencent will be instituting regulations on the numbers of hours and time of day that one can play its games. In addition, Chinese government regulations further restrict the ability of young people to use electronics. Nonetheless, these measures have led to two issues.

First, is that since January, Tencent's market value has fallen by $250 billion due to these regulations, according to the article. Thus, companies like Tencent face a tradeoff between trying to support the well-being of its players, and making a profit. What are your thoughts on how these companies should deal with this tradeoff?

The other problem is that these regulations do not affect adults struggling with gaming addition. I understand the importance of protecting the youth from gaming addiction; however, this is clearly an issue that adults face as well. Nonetheless, if regulations are created to limit adult gaming, there may be complaints of limiting one's freedoms and rights. Therefore, how should a government both protect the rights of its citizens as well as keep them from struggling with gaming addiction?

Clearly, fighting gaming addiction is not as simple as it seems.

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