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The Curious Case of Completionism

The first step to solving a problem is admitting it, they say. I am a completionist (to a degree). I attempt to 100% Assassin's Creed...

Games for Public Health

During the last year, I worked at a nonprofit sexual trauma agency. I was in the Education/Prevention department, so my job was to...

Against Art Games

I have something to get off of my chest. I hate the term “art games.” I’ve felt this for a long time, but I just keep mulling it over in...

On Avant-Gardes

The readings this past week, both for Tuesday and Thursday, left me thinking about the concept of political art. As was mentioned in...

Morgan Stanley and the beauty industry

It didn't come up in our class discussion, but I was distracted by Morgan Stanley's inattention to or compartmentalizing of makeup,...

Queer 90's films - tactical media?

Using India’s great definition of tactical media as “temporary performative interventions in the media ecology” brought me to a place...

The Stanley Parable: A True Countergame

In his “Countergaming” article, Galloway lays the groundwork for a new movement in video game media, analogous to the countercinema...

Certeau and Tactical Media

I'm retroactively posting on Rita Raley's "Introduction: Tactical Media as Virtuosic Performance" that we discussed in class on Thursday,...

On Time Crystals and Interfaces

In his (extremely dense) essay, "Machines to Crystalize Time", Maurizio Lazzarato argues for an understanding of video as a technology...

Radicalizing Gameplay: Users as Programmers

This week's readings have really inspired me, especially since I focus mostly on games. For this post, I'd like to connect Chun's remarks...

Modding Literature

The occasion of reading Galloway’s “Countergaming” made me think about whether the terms and techniques around modding exist in other...

The Control Society of Trucking

While reading Gilles Deleuze's Postscript on the Societies of Control, I recalled a Vox video I had recently watched on the eventual...

Blogger Capabilities/Protocol

In addition to the comment function, the Wix blog has a number of applications that can enhance your experience in the course: 1. Follow...

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